Most people do not know it but we had decided to grow our family yet again when the girls were home a little less than three month. It happened on September day 2005 when Suzanne had a feeling that our family was not complete and that maybe God wanted us to pursue Embryo Adoption again. With that thought was the thought of reason that she must be totally out her mind to have such thoughts during such and overwhelming time of her short parenting career. Suzanne thought it was best to keep these thoughts to herself and pray about them. Well that night Peter came home and out of the blue asks Suzanne what she thought about pursuing Embryo Adoption again. After a brief conversation about how totally insane these thoughts were while adjusting to our two newly adopted children from Russia that we should pray about it and make a decision closer to our one year anniversary of our "Gotcha Date" with the girls. Well on May 24th 2006 Suzanne drove to Fullerton, California and picked up an application for the Snowflake Program. In the first week of June we dropped our application off and are now waiting to be matched with and chosen by a genetic family.This is yet another exciting time to see what God has planned for growing our family.Well late in 2006 we found out we were chosen by a placing family. Early 2007 embryos were shipped to our clinic and February 2, 2007 three embryos were placed in my uterus. Six days later i took an home pregnancy test that came out positive. Four days later at 10 days after transfer by beta blood test came back at 373!!!! A big possibilities for multiples. On February 22, 2007 in the afternoon I began hemorrhaging. Convinced I had lost my baby(ies) Peter and I went to the doctors and had an ultrasound and to our surprise we saw TWO beautiful heart beats!! We couldn't be happier to have twins but were very concerned about them because I was bleeding so heavily. Bed rest would start. Everyday I would bleed heavily and every week we would return to the doctors and to our surprise see our precious babies heart beats. Until three weeks after we first learned we were having twins we found out we lost one baby. The night before that doctors appointment, God laid the name "Sarah" heavily on my heart. I kept asking God "who is Sarah?" The next morning with the name Sarah on my heart I kept wondering who she was. It was at my doctors appointment, during the ultrasound that the doctor kept looking for baby B' heart beat, that I could see the perfect baby, with a perfect face with eyes, a nose, a mouth......that I realized this was "Sarah." Peter and I will always love our little our baby Sarah. She will be remembered and greatly missed, till we see her in heaven. It was bittersweet and relief to see the heart beat of Baby "A." I was continuing on bed rest and still bleeding at 9 weeks. At 12 weeks I was sent to a specialist because there was a cyst seen on the umbilical cord(very rare and occurs in only 3% of pregnancies). The specialist suggested that towards the end of my pregnancy they do occasional ultrasound's to check babies growth and make sure the cyst is not impeding on babies growth. At about 13 weeks the bleeding finally stopped Praise the Lord, I was taken off bed rest!! At 14 weeks I began bleeding again, and was diagnosed with placenta previa (placenta low and covering cervix) and put back on bed rest. At 18 weeks we found out ITS A BOY!!!!!!! We have named him Peter Joseph. Peter after his daddy and Joseph after my daddy. The names of my two favorite men of my whole life! We also learned that the placenta had moved up to where it should be and no more bed rest PTL! At 24 weeks we had another ultrasound to check for babies growth and baby measured 2 weeks ahead of schedule and there was no sign of a cyst. We finally have great relief that this baby is OK and hopefully can have somewhat of a normal pregnancy. Our three girls are please as can be that they have a baby brother on the way.
Here is an ultrasound profile picture from May 22nd the day we found out our baby was a boy.
This is an ultrasound of Peter Joseph's face taken at 31 weeks.
He measured about 75 percentile for height and weight. They estimate his weight to be about 4.5 lbs. We have a scheduled birthdate for October 16th at noon.
October 16, 2007
The entry below was a note written to some friends of mine.Well Its about 14 hours until my sweet PJ's last 14 hours of pregnancy....and I am getting melancholy thinking of no longer being pregnant. Though this has been the longest pregnancy of all time (so i feel and hear from others) and I couldn't wait for his arrival..part of me is sad that this will indeed be my last pregnancy. We are pretty sure if God has more children in our lives planned, embryo adoption will not be part of the plan. This past week I have been reflecting about this journey....our journey to our fourth child. Probably the fastest journey to any of our children. Mary we were married 13 and 1/2 years before holding her. We were part of the snowflake program/family over 3 years before achieving pregnancy, almost 4 again to give birth. Our Russian Adoption was 1.5 year journey. And now this precious boy, took only 7 months to achieve pregnancy from application time and only 16 months to holding baby....hmmmm maybe if we go for another we can hold baby in less than a year...hee hee. Anyways it feels like just yesterday i threw out a prayer request for our embryos to ship safely and in a timely manner because there was a snowstorm, as we attempted to track them on fed ex. Seems like yesterday i was updating everyone on everything including my silly socks that i purchased for my exams with the doctor..and feeling the strength in those socks that "hey if your gonna be naked form the waist down you might as well have some cool silly socks to distract the doctor." And then the special socks I chose for transfer day. Heart socks for a Feb 2nd transfer. Feb 2nd ended up being a heart theme day. One of our embies looked like a heart (I think its PJ), and my beta was to be on Feb 14th....well little did we know i could not wait for the 14 th and took my first blood test 6 days after transfer and got a positive...OH HOW I WAS FREAKING OUT!!! ...Then getting my first beta blood levels. And one week later starting to hemorrhage so badly I was sure I lost my baby(ies). You all were there for me every step of the way. Praying for me and peter and my baby(ies). You celebrated with me and gave praise to the only one that deserved praise OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST every week as we saw two precious heart beats. you mourned and prayed for me the day late in March when we found out that we would never hold PJ's twin "Sarah" on this side of earth. I could not have gotten through this with out each one of you and your special kind words and prayers. Then as bed rest was over and i was feeling bigger than a house and each one of my 40 guys were here....encouraging me on and laughing at my attempts to make some humor. Love each one of you and I am so honored to be part of an amazing group of women....each in different places in our journies.
Peter and Suzanne Before heading to the hospital to deliver Peter Joseph.
Peter Joseph arrived 10/16/07 at 12:44 pm weighing 8 lbs 14 oz 19 inches long
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
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