Friday, August 22, 2008

OH NO!!!!

I would like to post a crosswalk light for PJ with the big red hand meaning "DONT WALK!"

Well last night while the girls were playing a bit of beach volleyball (and not so bad considering mary is 5 and galina is 10 and their cousin is 8....but then again it was three of them against anya)....anyways and Peter and I were just sitting and relaxing in the lobby of our time share and Peter put PJ down on the floor. As we were talking I looked to my right and PJ is walking his stroller acorss the lobby. OK um when did he start walking? He hasn't even walked holding onto still furniture but he is going to go acorss the room holding onto the stroller? Sigh. Slow down baby boy, mommy is not ready for you to grow so fast.

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