Friday, January 30, 2009

NBC wont allow prolife ad for the superbowl.

Its a shame. I think it is powerful and thought I would share for anyone who has not seen it.

Aunt Rosemary Update

Today is Friday and there has not been any significant changes with her. She does open her eyes when taken to CATscan and when she is laid flat for position changes. She still is on the vent. She does appear to move her right arm towards the intubation tube. Her scans show that she still has significant amount of swelling on her brain and the second bleed is not smaller. She also was started on antibiotics today for suspected pneumonia. We continue to pray for a miracle. The prayers right now would be for the infection to go away, the swelling to go down and bleeding to stop and be absorbed. With that we believe my sweet Aunt will wake up. Her children could use some prayers as they continue to encourage their mom at bedside.

Pictures Of PJ

Just a few shots of PJ. I just love to watch him. He is all boy and such a joy!

Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party!

This past week we FINALLY had Anya's sweet sixteen party. Her birthday was in December but with being so busy with the holidays and then her having to work on her grades. She had her finals last Friday so we had a party on Saturday. She invited her whole class and a few friends from her old class and a few cousins. There is about 23 students in her sophomore class and about 9 came all the way from San Marcos (about a 40 minute drive). In all there were about 12 kids. They played Guitar Hero and Dance revolution on the WII. Watched a movie and ate. I have to say I am so impressed with the kids that came to her party. They all were an awesome group of kids and I appreciated all the parents that drove them.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Aunt Rosemary Update

She still has not opened her eyes. Late last week she had a second bleed but not significant enough to do surgery on. This bleed most likely has set her recovery time back a few more weeks. I pray every day she will open her beautiful blue eyes. While visiting I tease her about the cute male nurses taking care of her. Amazing how we take those around us for granted til one day the carpet is pooled out from under them and you cant talk to them, you cant tell them how much they are appreciated and loved. Our family conitues to pray for her recovery. We continue to pray for her childrens hearts as they endure the waiting at bedside. Waiting for a miracle. A few days ago Peter found a voicemail on our answering machine. It was Aunt Rosemary. She had left a message the morning this all happened, looking for me to give her ride to her daughters.....sigh.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Reflections And The Request For Prayer

Wow...what a crummy day. A sad one. One that I hope some day I can reflect back on and see different than tonight. Today after getting off work I check my voicemail to find out my Aunt Rosemary had a stroke and went to the emergency room. Having experience in caring for the elderly for 10 years of my life, I know there is varying degrees. Nothing could have prepared me for when I went to the hospital. My Aunt was on a ventilator and they were preparing her for surgrey to cut her skull and clean up the bleed around her brain. My sweet Aunt laying there with her daughters at her bedside. Surgery was a success is the fact that she survived it. Our next goal is to have her get through the next 48 hours. After 48 hours with out complications then they can evaluate what damage has been done.
No for the reflections. My Aunt lives in the same town as me. Her daughter (my cousin) lives very close to Anya's school 45 minutes away from our town. At the last minute today, my Aunt and her daughter decided she would get a ride from me (while I take Anya to school) to my cousin's house. I was working today but my sister a very skilled critical care nurse was taking Anya. On the drive there my sister noticed signs of my Aunt having a possible stroke, getting her the help sooner than if my Aunt was at home by herself. SO for that I am thankful. I can definitely see God's hand at work here. I have to believe there will be a miracle with my aunt. She has a very special place in my heart and I am not ready to lose her.
If anyone reads this could you please pray for her?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Free Coffee Card Giveaway

A dear friend of mine whom I adore is doing a Starbucks free coffee card giveaway. All you do is visit her blog at and post what nicknames you call your kids or what you were called as a kid. She will pull a name from all those that entered to win a gift card to Starbucks. Even if you are not interested in the coffee card stop by anyways and see the AMAZING journey this family has been on to grow their family thru adoption. This family is one of the most beautiful families and I am so humbled when I am around them. Their love for Christ and their faith in HIM is such a beautiful testament. When I met Faith she had three children, less than a year later and a trip to Liberia and a suprise domestic adoption she was a mother of SIX children. Faith is a wonder mom and she constantly awes me.