Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Aunt Rosemary Update

She still has not opened her eyes. Late last week she had a second bleed but not significant enough to do surgery on. This bleed most likely has set her recovery time back a few more weeks. I pray every day she will open her beautiful blue eyes. While visiting I tease her about the cute male nurses taking care of her. Amazing how we take those around us for granted til one day the carpet is pooled out from under them and you cant talk to them, you cant tell them how much they are appreciated and loved. Our family conitues to pray for her recovery. We continue to pray for her childrens hearts as they endure the waiting at bedside. Waiting for a miracle. A few days ago Peter found a voicemail on our answering machine. It was Aunt Rosemary. She had left a message the morning this all happened, looking for me to give her ride to her daughters.....sigh.


Niki said...

Still keeping you and your family in prayer.

Sandi said...

Praying that your aunt will make a complete recovery.
Sandi (PAI)