Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Murray History of The Christmas Tree!

Ok over the years Peter and I actually thought our marriage would come to an end over Christmas trees. The pressure of it all. I always romancitized the going out to find a tree with your sweetheart, cutting it down and bringing it home and decorating it while a bing Crosby song plays in the backround with a warm fire crackling in the fireplace, stealing sweet kisses between hanging each oranament and just feeling warm and fuzzy and lovey dovey. Murray Reality? We would go to the tree farm where none of the trees looked perfect til an hour into it and then all the trees looked the same. You get your perfect tree home only to find out that a 10 foot treee does not look as big outside on the tree farm as it does in your livingroom. I guess we always had an eye for big, tall and fat trees. We could never find a stand to hold our trees even after buying everyone on the market and having everyone we know invited over to assist with getting it to stand up. We ALWAYS ended up wrapping some rope (the straw stuff that my dad always had on hand while growing up) around the tree and attaching it to a nail in the wall. So by the time our tree did stand up we always had to decorate it the next day and then there were the LIGHTS. What ever man invented the little white strand of whites that if one light goes out they all go out was not an inventor but an idiot and I mean that in the most christian tone I can give. LOL! So by the time the tree stodd and the lights all lit. . . . . we had shared a few choice words that did not include stealing quick little kisses in between. So the year we adopted our Russian Princesses, after 16 married Christmas' were the tree issue each year was more difficult than our infertilty we purchased an artificial tree prelit (the kind of lights that one can go out and not ruin the strand). It was a neccessaity for the salvation of our marriage and Praise God for it!

Today we decorated the tree. . . . and it was peaceful and sweet. the kids like to hang ornaments up all in the same area which adds charm.

Here is the final project.

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