Monday, April 13, 2009

Prayerfully Considering Making Blog Private

Peter and I are prayerfully considering making our blog private. Originally our website that then morphed into a blog was set up as a means to keeping our friends and family informed of our ever changing interesting way God was growing our family. . . . . with updates on where we were in the process. As a bonus some people had stumbled onto our blog who were going through infertility. Some of these readers found some hope and comfort in the fact that we had survived infertility for 13 years surely they could. Some learned a had feared being so open about their infertility or adoption and our story helped them through that. Sigh. . . . . I am so torn. Our family is in a different place now and though I have absolutely no shame in our story, I worry that it can affect my children. It has affected my children (our story not the blog). Kids unfortunately have free access to computers and though google is my friend it can also be used by kids just thinking they are having fun googling their friends names. Mary will be in first grade next year, its time to step back and pray about if we should go private with our blog. If we do I would post a warning for anyone that wanted to email me for the password. Some of you I would email already. If you feel called to do so could you please join me in prayer as we consider?

1 comment:

Niki said...

I will be praying for you. I believe you have an option of not including your blog in search engines. Ths may not be enough privacy for you, but it is an option.