Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"what is defeat?"

Being a mom of three children who all started learning the English language 3 years ago can be entertaining and frustrating at the same time. My older girls would much rather ask me what a word is than use a dictionary. Today the question was "mom what is defeat?" I answered, laughed and then told her to look it up in the dictionary. While she looked it up I grabbed the camera to share what happened :).


Niki said...

Have I told you lately, that I love your family?? :)

2kidmommy said...

Suzanne, Too funny!!!

=) Courtney

andrea said...

oh my soul snooze you crack me up!!
i love anya's accent!!

oh my soul your house must be so fun!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable!!! You are the kind of mom I want to be! Keep it up and ALL THE GLORY TO GOD!!!!

Kelly said...

You are awesome, Suzanne!

Dawn T said...

Love seeing your videos!! Still would love to meet face to face :)

Esther said...

You are so quick on your "FEET"...ha ha I'm getting good at this too:-)

Jen said...

SOOO cute Snooze!